This past weekend, a new Taiwanese drama aired called Once Upon a Love 原來愛,就是甜蜜. This drama, starring Sunny Wang (王陽明) and Cheryl Yang (楊謹華) is about a derpy boy back in high school, who fell in love with one of the prettiest, most popular, and seemingly one with the brightest future ahead of her, girl in high school. Because of her, he decided to go study abroad in New York and eventually after 10 years of hard work, became a starting and well-known fashion designer. Because of certain reasons, he had to travel back home to Taiwan where he meets the "girl of his dreams again." However, she isn't the woman he thought she'd be. In fact, she is divorced with a child and struggling to survive in a downfallen economy.
(Taken from Sunny's weibo)
At the same time, I must say that I have great expectations for this drama since Cheryl Yang's acting is extremely deep and she plays her part very well. I've been a fan of her acting since I watched her drama with Ethan Ruan, 拜犬女王.
Sunny's acting, on the other hand, seems to be a lot less deep. I don't know if it's because he's an ABC or purely because of his acting, but there's something about his character that I can't seem to put my finger on. A lot of the times during the first episode, I felt like he was just reciting lines rather than actually acting. But I don't expect too much out of o him since he is, after all, a newbie. Plus, he's just extremely good looking anyways so most of the time, I'm just looking at his face anyway.
I do hope that Sunny's acting gains more levels in the episodes to come.
Overall though, I'm extremely excited for the rest of this drama to come out and I hope that the rest of the episodes won't disappoint!
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